Advisory committees
The RRWMC works with the support of advisory committees formed of government, fishing camps , corporations and companies representatives, related to the role of the committee. These committees meet to direct the work of the following year, ensuring a dialogue of the members and partners. We look forward to creating a new committee, especially to direct water quality issue.
Resource protection committee
The Resource protection committee is composed of representatives of government and private authorities who work at the level of wildlife protection. Their objective is to update and implement a joint plan of protection. These efforts make it possible to plan joint actions between all parties thusin presence for thus maximizing available human resources.
Science Committee
This committee is formed of various local and regional actors who work on the level of research on salmonids. The various researchers, biologists and scientists of the provincial and federal governments and associations related to salmonids who sit on this committee are used as advisor group to direct research and projects of acquisition of knowledge. Inventory of smolts migration, telemetry in river and ocean, electro-fishing density survey are examples of projects which are implemented in the watershed.